How to Choose a Great Agent

So the time has come to sell your home. As a 32-year veteran of the real estate industry I understand that this is a daunting moment in your life and for some it is life changing and exciting. You only get once chance when it comes to selling your home so it makes sense to get it right and make an informed decision.

Trust is the cornerstone

If you don’t trust the agent, don’t hire the agent. A major ingredient in any relationship, business or personal, is trust. Before you choose your agent, ask many questions, check written and online reviews particularly Google Reviews. Ask for a guarantee, test their negotiating skills and ask yourself a BIG question – do I feel comfortable with this person handling the sale of (possibly) my greatest financial asset? If your answer is no, then don’t hire the agent.

Once you decide on an agent, give the agent your trust and confidence. Do not interfere or second guess the process. Allow the agent to make decisions and get on with the job of finding the right buyer for your property.

If the agent later loses your trust, provided that you have insisted on a guarantee, you can always dismiss the agent and find one you can trust. The best agents are worthy of your trust and they won’t let you down.

In this current climate of COVID-19 the experience of the agent is going to have a massive impact on how much you put in your pocket when the sale is done so do your homework and choose carefully as you won’t get a second chance.

Find out what the current value of your property is in today’s market and how to get the highest price for your property.

Source (G. Pittard) Article by Frank Pike

Home Owners Landlords Sellers
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